Saturday 4 May 2013

PaperLand Scenic LiveWallpaper

A beautiful, cute scenic live wallpaper expressed by papercraft.

Sunny Season:
Feel the stillness of a place with birds,balloons flying above and cars zooming on the streets
with a pretty house, trees and lovely mountains in the background.
Welcome the peacock in the evening!
At night, moon and stars enchant you with the little fairy, while a dog dutifully guards
the house.

Snowy season:

Welcome the winter with snow-capped mountains with birds and parachutes flying around.
In day, cars go around while a kid skates through the snow.
In snowy night which is lit with stars and moon, santa claus flies around in his pink vehicle!

Synchronises with day and night

+Morning from 6am to 10am
+Day from 10:01am to 4:59pm
+Evening from 5pm to 6:59pm
+Night from 7pm to 5:59am

Options for
+Sunny/Snowy Season
+Change sunny house
+Change sun color
+Change snowy house
+Change snow intensity

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